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va_enc_h264.h File Reference

The H.264 encoding API. More...

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struct  VAEncSequenceParameterBufferH264
 Sequence parameter for H.264 encoding in baseline, main & high profiles. More...
struct  VAEncPictureParameterBufferH264
 Picture parameter for H.264 encoding in baseline, main & high profiles. More...
struct  VAEncSliceParameterBufferH264
 Slice parameter for H.264 encoding in baseline, main & high profiles. More...
struct  VAEncMacroblockParameterBufferH264
 Macroblock parameter for H.264 encoding in baseline, main & high profiles. More...
struct  VAEncMiscParameterSubMbPartPelH264
 MB partition modes and 1/2 1/4 motion search configuration. More...


Picture flags

Those flags flags are meant to signal when a picture marks the end of a sequence, a stream, or even both at once.

#define H264_LAST_PICTURE_EOSEQ   0x01
 Marks the last picture in the sequence. More...
#define H264_LAST_PICTURE_EOSTREAM   0x02
 Marks the last picture in the stream. More...
Macroblock neighbour availability bits

Definitions for macroblock neighbour availability bits used in intra prediction mode (non MBAFF only).

#define VA_MB_PRED_AVAIL_TOP_LEFT   (1 << 2)
 References macroblock in the top-left corner.
#define VA_MB_PRED_AVAIL_TOP   (1 << 4)
 References macroblock above the current macroblock.
#define VA_MB_PRED_AVAIL_TOP_RIGHT   (1 << 3)
 References macroblock in the top-right corner.
#define VA_MB_PRED_AVAIL_LEFT   (1 << 6)
 References macroblock on the left of the current macroblock.


enum  VAEncPackedHeaderTypeH264 { VAEncPackedHeaderH264_SPS = VAEncPackedHeaderSequence , VAEncPackedHeaderH264_PPS = VAEncPackedHeaderPicture , VAEncPackedHeaderH264_Slice = VAEncPackedHeaderSlice , va_deprecated_enum = (0x80000000 | 1) }
 Packed header types specific to H.264 encoding. More...

Detailed Description

The H.264 encoding API.

This file contains the H.264 encoding API.