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VAEncPictureParameterBufferH264 Struct Reference

Picture parameter for H.264 encoding in baseline, main & high profiles. More...

#include <va_enc_h264.h>

Public Attributes

VAPictureH264 CurrPic
 Information about the picture to be encoded. More...
VAPictureH264 ReferenceFrames [16]
 Decoded Picture Buffer (DPB). More...
VABufferID coded_buf
 Output encoded bitstream. More...
uint8_t pic_parameter_set_id
 The picture parameter set referred to in the slice header.
uint8_t seq_parameter_set_id
 The active sequence parameter set. Range: 0 to 31, inclusive.
uint8_t last_picture
 OR'd flags describing whether the picture is the last one or not. More...
uint16_t frame_num
 The picture identifier. Range: 0 to $2^{log2\_max\_frame\_num\_minus4 + 4} - 1$, inclusive.
uint8_t pic_init_qp
 pic_init_qp_minus26 + 26.
uint8_t num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1
 Maximum reference index for reference picture list 0. Range: 0 to 31, inclusive.
uint8_t num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1
 Maximum reference index for reference picture list 1. Range: 0 to 31, inclusive.
int8_t chroma_qp_index_offset
 Range: -12 to 12, inclusive.
int8_t second_chroma_qp_index_offset
 Range: -12 to 12, inclusive.
uint32_t va_reserved [VA_PADDING_LOW]
 Reserved bytes for future use, must be zero.
uint32_t idr_pic_flag: 1
 Is picture an IDR picture?
uint32_t reference_pic_flag: 2
 Is picture a reference picture?
uint32_t entropy_coding_mode_flag: 1
 Selects CAVLC (0) or CABAC (1) entropy coding mode.
uint32_t weighted_pred_flag: 1
 Is weighted prediction applied to P slices?
uint32_t weighted_bipred_idc: 2
 Range: 0 to 2, inclusive.
uint32_t constrained_intra_pred_flag: 1
 Same as the H.264 bitstream syntax element.
uint32_t transform_8x8_mode_flag: 1
 Same as the H.264 bitstream syntax element.
uint32_t deblocking_filter_control_present_flag: 1
 Same as the H.264 bitstream syntax element.
uint32_t redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag: 1
 Same as the H.264 bitstream syntax element.
uint32_t pic_order_present_flag: 1
 Same as the H.264 bitstream syntax element.
uint32_t pic_scaling_matrix_present_flag: 1
 Same as the H.264 bitstream syntax element.

Detailed Description

Picture parameter for H.264 encoding in baseline, main & high profiles.

This structure holds information for pic_parameter_set_rbsp() as defined by the H.264 specification.

If packed picture headers mode is used, i.e. if the encoding pipeline was configured with the VA_ENC_PACKED_HEADER_PICTURE flag, then the driver expects two more buffers to be provided to the same vaRenderPicture() as this buffer:

If pic_scaling_matrix_present_flag is set to 1, then a VAIQMatrixBufferH264 buffer shall also be provided within the same vaRenderPicture() call as this picture parameter buffer.

Member Data Documentation

◆ coded_buf

VABufferID VAEncPictureParameterBufferH264::coded_buf

Output encoded bitstream.

coded_buf has type #VAEncCodedBufferType. It should be large enough to hold the compressed NAL slice and possibly SPS and PPS NAL units.

◆ CurrPic

VAPictureH264 VAEncPictureParameterBufferH264::CurrPic

Information about the picture to be encoded.

See #VAPictureH264 for further description of each field. Note that CurrPic.picture_id represents the reconstructed (decoded) picture. User provides a scratch VA surface ID here.

◆ last_picture

uint8_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferH264::last_picture

OR'd flags describing whether the picture is the last one or not.

This fields holds 0 if the picture to be encoded is not the last one in the stream or sequence. Otherwise, it is a combination of H264_LAST_PICTURE_EOSEQ or H264_LAST_PICTURE_EOSTREAM.

◆ ReferenceFrames

VAPictureH264 VAEncPictureParameterBufferH264::ReferenceFrames[16]

Decoded Picture Buffer (DPB).

This array represents the list of reconstructed (decoded) frames used as reference. It is important to keep track of reconstructed frames so that they can be used later on as reference for P or B-frames encoding.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: