Public Attributes | List of all members
VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8 Struct Reference

VP8 Encoding Picture Parameter Buffer Structure. More...

#include <va_enc_vp8.h>

Public Attributes

int8_t loop_filter_level [4]
int8_t ref_lf_delta [4]
int8_t mode_lf_delta [4]
uint8_t sharpness_level
uint8_t clamp_qindex_high
uint8_t clamp_qindex_low
uint32_t va_reserved [VA_PADDING_LOW]
 Reserved bytes for future use, must be zero.
uint32_t first_ref: 2
uint32_t reserved: 16
 Reserved for future use, must be zero.
uint32_t clamping_type: 1
uint32_t update_mb_segmentation_map: 1
uint32_t update_segment_feature_data: 1
uint32_t loop_filter_adj_enable: 1
uint32_t refresh_entropy_probs: 1
uint32_t refresh_golden_frame: 1
uint32_t refresh_alternate_frame: 1
uint32_t refresh_last: 1
uint32_t copy_buffer_to_golden: 2
uint32_t copy_buffer_to_alternate: 2
uint32_t sign_bias_golden: 1
uint32_t sign_bias_alternate: 1
uint32_t mb_no_coeff_skip: 1
uint32_t forced_lf_adjustment: 1

Detailed Description

VP8 Encoding Picture Parameter Buffer Structure.

This structure conveys picture level parameters.

Member Data Documentation

◆ clamp_qindex_high

uint8_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::clamp_qindex_high

Application supplied maximum clamp value for Qindex used in quantization. Qindex will not be allowed to exceed this value. It has a valid range [0..127] inclusive.

◆ clamp_qindex_low

uint8_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::clamp_qindex_low

Application supplied minimum clamp value for Qindex used in quantization. Qindex will not be allowed to be lower than this value. It has a valid range [0..127] inclusive. Condition clamp_qindex_low <= clamp_qindex_high must be guaranteed, otherwise they are ignored.

◆ clamping_type

uint32_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::clamping_type

The following fields correspond to the same VP8 syntax elements in the frame header. 0: clamping of reconstruction pixels is disabled, 1: clamping enabled.

◆ copy_buffer_to_alternate

uint32_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::copy_buffer_to_alternate

Determines if the alternate reference is replaced by another reference.

◆ copy_buffer_to_golden

uint32_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::copy_buffer_to_golden

Determines if the golden reference is replaced by another reference.

◆ first_ref

uint32_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::first_ref

following two flags indicate the reference order LastRef is specified by 01b; GoldRef is specified by 10b; AltRef is specified by 11b; first_ref specifies the reference frame which is searched first. second_ref specifies the reference frame which is searched second if there is.

◆ forced_lf_adjustment

uint32_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::forced_lf_adjustment

Enforces unconditional per-MB loop filter delta update setting frame header flags mode_ref_lf_delta_update, all mb_mode_delta_update_flag[4], and all ref_frame_delta_update_flag[4] to 1. Since loop filter deltas are not automatically refreshed to default values at key frames, dropped frame with delta update may prevent correct decoding from the next key frame. Encoder application is advised to set this flag to 1 at key frames.

◆ loop_filter_adj_enable

uint32_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::loop_filter_adj_enable

indicates if the MB level loop filter adjustment is enabled for the current frame (0 off, 1 on).

◆ loop_filter_level

int8_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::loop_filter_level[4]

Contains a list of 4 loop filter level values (updated value if applicable) controlling the deblocking filter strength. Each entry represents a segment. When segmentation is disabled, use entry 0. When loop_filter_level is 0, loop filter shall be disabled.

◆ mb_no_coeff_skip

uint32_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::mb_no_coeff_skip

Enables or disables the skipping of macroblocks containing no non-zero coefficients.

◆ mode_lf_delta

int8_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::mode_lf_delta[4]

Contains a list of 4 delta values for coding mode based MB-level loop filter adjustment. If no update, then set to 0.

◆ ref_lf_delta

int8_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::ref_lf_delta[4]

Contains a list of 4 delta values for reference frame based MB-level loop filter adjustment. If no update, then set to 0.

◆ refresh_alternate_frame

uint32_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::refresh_alternate_frame

Determines if the current decoded frame refreshes the alternate reference frame.

◆ refresh_entropy_probs

uint32_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::refresh_entropy_probs

Determines whether updated token probabilities are used only for this frame or until further update. It may be used by application to enable error resilient mode. In this mode probability updates are allowed only at Key Frames.

◆ refresh_golden_frame

uint32_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::refresh_golden_frame

Determines if the current decoded frame refreshes the golden frame.

◆ refresh_last

uint32_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::refresh_last

Determines if the current decoded frame refreshes the last frame reference buffer.

◆ sharpness_level

uint8_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::sharpness_level

Controls the deblocking filter sensitivity. Corresponds to the same VP8 syntax element in frame header.

◆ sign_bias_alternate

uint32_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::sign_bias_alternate

Controls the sign of motion vectors when the alternate frame is referenced.

◆ sign_bias_golden

uint32_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::sign_bias_golden

Controls the sign of motion vectors when the golden frame is referenced.

◆ update_mb_segmentation_map

uint32_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::update_mb_segmentation_map

Determines if the MB segmentation map is updated in the current frame.

◆ update_segment_feature_data

uint32_t VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8::update_segment_feature_data

Indicates if the segment feature data is updated in the current frame.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: